Have you heard about the 5am Club? If you follow social media, there’s a good chance you’ve stumbled on posts about celebrities belonging to the 5am Club, like it’s some kind of cult. However, the truth is way more simple (and way less exciting).

What is the 5am Club?

The 5am Club isn’t a secret society where people wake up at the crack of dawn to sip green juice and meditate naked in the back yard – although, it could be. It’s essentially a lifestyle concept where waking up at 5am is seen as the key to unlocking peak productivity, creativity and personal growth.

However, you can’t just wake up at 5am and doom scroll through your phone for an hour. The 5am Club philosophy revolves around using that extra time in the morning to focus on the things that can help you, whether it’s exercising, reading or planning your day. Think of it as giving yourself a head start while the rest of the world (and probably your partner) is still snoring away.

Who invented the 5am Club?

The concept of the 5am Club was popularised by Robin Sharma, a Canadian writer and leadership guru, in his bestselling book The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life. Sharma has worked with big names and high achievers around the world. His core belief is that the early morning hours are sacred. He says that if you use them wisely, you’ll transform your entire life.

The book blends self-help advice with storytelling, following the lives of three characters who learn about the benefits of rising early. Sharma’s 20/20/20 formula is a central part of his morning routine strategy, which involves spending the first 60 minutes of the day broken into three parts: 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of reflection and 20 minutes of learning. Not a bad way to start the day, if you can muster up the energy.

What are the supposed benefits of waking up at 5am?

Waking up at 5am isn’t just about bragging rights. There are scientifically-backed benefits to rising early, many of which tie into mental and physical well-being.

  1. Productivity boost: Waking up at 5am gives you time to plan your day without distractions. No emails pinging, no social media temptations and hopefully no noisy neighbours. The peace and quiet of the early hour lets you focus on your goals and get a head start while others are still in dreamland.
  2. More time for self-care: Whether it’s a pilates routine, a run around the block or an at-home HIIT session, early morning is an ideal time for physical activity that wakes your body up.
  3. Mental clarity: The quiet of the early morning is the perfect backdrop for reflection. Many 5am Clubbers use this time to meditate or journal, helping them reduce stress and set intentions for the day ahead.
  4. Creativity and focus: Studies show that the brain is often more alert and focused first thing, and tapping into that mental energy early in the day can lead to creative breakthroughs. Many writers, artists and entrepreneurs say that early morning is their most creative time of day.

What time should you go to bed, if you want to wake up at 5am?

This is the million-dollar question! If you want to wake up at 5am and feel human, rather than zombie-like, your lights-out time matters. The general consensus is that adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. So, if you’re aiming to rise at 5am, you’ll want to hit the hay around 9 or 10pm.

This may sound easier said than done, especially if you’re used to late-night TV binges or scrolling through social media in bed. To adapt to an earlier bedtime, try winding down an hour before bed by avoiding screens, dimming the lights, and reading or listening to a book.

How can a new bed help you to get up at 5am?

If your mattress is over 10 years old, it’s probably time to upgrade before committing to the 5am Club. To bring your sleeping surface up-to-date, look at getting a pocket spring mattress or an electrical adjustable bed.

Pocket spring mattresses, also known as pocket coil beds, are a popular choice in New Zealand. They feature individual springs encased in fabric pockets, allowing each spring to move independently. This design provides better support and comfort by responding individually to pressure and movement. It also eliminates the risk of partner disturbance. See a quick guide to mattresses by Dreamland.

Electric adjustable beds are a revolutionary approach to updating your bed, especially if you have health issues. Imagine being able to fine-tune your sleep position to tackle snoring, acid reflux or back pain. With the press of a button, you can elevate your head or feet for better comfort and circulation.  Discover the benefits of upgrading to an adjustable electrical bed.

Read the Dreamland guide to buying a new mattress.

Is the 5am Club for you?

Waking up at the crack of dawn isn’t for everyone. But if you’re looking for a way to squeeze more productivity, self-care and fitness into your day, giving it a try might just change your life. Dip your toe in the water by trying it for a couple of weeks or even a month. Just make sure you prepare first, by setting up a repeatable 5am routine.

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